Believe it or not, humans haven’t always worn shoes everywhere, traveled in cars, and lived in houses. At one point in history (and still in some places in the world) people walked barefoot everywhere. Roads were packed dirt and beds were mats of straw on the bare ground. Think about it for a moment, when was the last time you actually stepped onto the ground with your bare feet. Not the patio or, your porch, but the lush grass of your backyard or the sand on the edge of an ocean. Probably not very recently, right? Evidence has emerged to show that contact with the electrical currents of the earth could actually improve your health and increase your body’s ability to heal itself. This article may make you think twice before tying on those running shoes as you learn more about the process of grounding. Read on to find out more.
What is grounding?
A simple understanding of the natural world and the human body reveals that humans are bioelectrical creatures and the earth is an electrical planet. We are controlled by electrical impulses and constantly have an electric charge running through our body’s. For instance, take a look at the nervous system or the heart. Every cell in our body is capable of conducting an electrical current.
Over time, a positive charge and cancer-causing free radicals (or unpaired positive ions) can build up in our bodies due to the influences of everyday modern life and pollution. These free radicals can lead to health issues such as premature aging, inflammation, disease, and chronic pain.
The idea behind grounding stems from the fact that the earth produces a slight negative charge. According to the basic rules of electricity, making contact with the negatively charged earth could help restore the body to a neutral state by drawing out those harmful, positively charged free radicals. In a nutshell, grounding (or earthing) is simply maintaining direct contact with the soil, dirt, rock, or sand through your bare feet in order to maintain harmonious electrical balance.
Purported benefits of grounding
There is always some skepticism surrounding “easy” tricks that claim extraordinary benefits. In many instances, especially in the realm of more off-the-cuff alternative health practices, this concern is viable. It is good to be aware of the science behind a health claim before simply jumping on the bandwagon. In this case, though many of the benefits are anecdotal, scientific researchers are leaping at the chance to study the effects of grounding on the body. As more studies are published, the data continues to support this ancient practice. Here are just a few reasons to start grounding today:
- Reduce or eliminate chronic pain from inflammation
- Improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia
- Lower stress hormones in the body
- Improve energy levels
- Aid in muscle recovery after athletic activity
- Reduce muscle tension and headaches
- Lower the risk of osteoporosis
- Reduce the effect of hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycles
- Eliminate lingering jet lag
- Speeds healing
- Regulate biological rhythms
- Reduce blood pressure
- Ward off depression and anxiety
- Improve mood
What the skeptics say
Since there isn’t a wealth of large studies to support grounding, many are skeptical and claim that people who notice an improvement in their health are simply experiencing the placebo effect. However, the science is sound, and it has already been well established that spending time outdoors is good for you. Since it is totally free and won’t take up a ton of your time, what do you have to lose? Keep a daily journal of your sleep quality, your overall emotional state, the time you spend grounding, any supplements you take, how you feel physically, and what you eat. This dedicated record keeping will help you get more in touch with your health and allow you to determine what works and what doesn’t.
How to start grounding
Grounding doesn’t require any special equipment, training, ability, or expensive supplements. It is simply stepping outdoors and finding peace on the earth. Simply find a green space, your yard or a park will do and walk around barefoot in the grass, dirt, or on the rocks. If you haven’t spent much time barefoot, your feet may be a little sensitive so it is a good idea to start on a softer medium like the beach.
If you are lucky enough to live near a lake or ocean with a great beach, take advantage of this amazing resource. The negative electrical currents from the earth are even stronger near or in water, and the calming scent and sound of the waves will help you feel even more relaxed.
Spend at least 30 minutes per day, sitting, standing, lying or walking barefoot in nature. Remember to keep an eye out for any dangerous wildlife in the ground such as ants, bees, or snakes and always pay attention to your surroundings. Use common sense and don’t try to ground somewhere like a wooded trail where there will be a lot of sticks, thorns, pinecones, and other hazards.
You can also try gloveless gardening, barefoot yoga, camping under the stars, swimming in a natural body of water, outdoor meditation, or napping in the soft grass. In the winter, or if you live in an area with limited access to green space, you can invest in an earthing sheet or mat. These are simple devices that plug into the wall and allow the earth’s electrons to travel up the ground wire and into your body.
Kick off those shoes and get outdoors today!