Top 20 Powerful and Effective Natural Flu Remedies

Even if you are incredibly diligent with handwashing and limiting your exposure to those who are sick, catching the flu this time of year is highly likely. Therefore, it is important to have a few helpful, natural remedies in your arsenal that will have you up on your feet in no time, without relying on chemically concocted cold and flu medicine to cover-up your symptoms.  

Gargle with saltwater

One of the top cold and flu remedies, gargling with salt water twice times a day as soon as you feel a sore throat coming on is one of the best ways to relieve a scratchy, irritated throat and lessen the duration of your flu. Dissolve ½ tsp of sea salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water and gargle twice a day. Do this until your symptoms abate. 


While it is certainly another sore throat remedy, honey doesn’t just ease the pain of a sore throat, it actually functions as a cough suppressant as well. Take a spoonful of this liquid gold before bed to get some much-needed sleep and help limit your coughing for a few hours. Remember, it is still a sweetener and does affect your blood sugar so avoid taking it too much during your sickness. Remember, children under 12 months should not take honey. 


Take that sick day and binge your favorite TV show in bed. If possible, take a few days to simply rest, recuperate and give your body the time it needs to fight off the infection. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion will only exacerbate your symptoms and keep you sick for longer. 

Essential oils

Peppermint and eucalyptus oils are incredibly beneficial for soothing symptoms from a cold or flu and helping ease congestion. Add these oils to a carrier oil such as almond or coconut and rub it on your chest and under your nose. This will allow you to reap the aromatherapeutic benefits of these incredible oils. 

Herbal tea

Drink a glass of your favorite herbal tea for a wonderfully warming drink that will reduce a sore throat and eliminate congestion. Add a dose of honey to your tea for even more inflammation-reducing power.


Since cold and flu viruses thrive in dry environments (which is why they’re so prevalent in the winter) adding a humidifier to your bedroom could help keep an infection at bay.

Hot shower

A hot, steamy shower is a great way to open up those nasal passages and loosen your mucous membranes. If you are too dizzy to stand in a hot shower, put a plastic chair in the shower and sit down for a few minutes under the warm water. 

Take zinc

Studies show that zinc could help fight cold and flu symptoms and strengthen your immune system so that you’re less likely to get sick in the first place. Invest in a quality zinc supplement during cold and flu season (stay away from sugary, chewable zinc vitamins) and eat foods such as chickpeas, eggs, and beans that are rich in this critical nutrient. 

Drink water

Though water may be the last thing you want if you’re struggling with fever chills or battling a sore throat and congestion, staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Plus, it will help battle dehydration, which is especially important if you are vomiting frequently.

Warm broth

Chicken or beef bone broth is a great way to stay hydrated and maintain proper nutrients, especially if you aren’t feeling up to eating anything else. It is naturally high in protein and minerals like sodium and potassium, which are critical for rebuilding immune cells and fighting off the flu bug. 

Neti pot

Use a neti pot with a saline solution to help irrigate your sinuses and breathe easier. Be sure to follow all directions and keep in mind that the sensation may take a while to get used to.

Extra pillow

Sleeping too flat on your back during the flu could cause further drainage issues and keep your sinuses clogged. Try adding another flat pillow under your head at night for extra support and drainage. Be sure not to use a pillow that is too fluffy as it could lead to neck and back pains the following day. 

Take vitamin C

It may be surprising since so many people swear by vitamin C for preventing and limiting sickness but it hasn’t actually been backed by much research. However, the anecdotal evidence is quite convincing and shows that this vitamin could actually boost your immune system and help you recover quicker. Instead of taking high doses of vitamin C supplements, which can cause digestive upset, try filling your diet with vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges and broccoli. 


Elderberry syrup has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and may also help reduce the duration of your sickness. Be sure to buy elderberry syrup that is specifically marketed for cold and flu relief without added sugar.


Though it is quite pungent, garlic is loaded with antioxidants and antimicrobial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. It is also a great source of immune-boosting minerals, enzymes, vitamin C, sulfur, and selenium. Add more garlic to your diet to help lessen the severity and decrease the duration of your cold or flu. 


Echinacea is one of the most common herbs taken as a natural cold and flu relief and has been used for many years in place of over the counter drugs. Though the evidence is slim regarding its effectiveness, taking a dose of an echinacea supplement while you are sick could reduce your symptoms and help you recover faster.

Epsom salt bath

Relieve sore, achy muscles and relax your mind and body with a soothing Epsom salt bath. The heat may also help limit congestion and help you fall asleep easier. 


Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent and is a proven tool to remedy congestion, nausea, colds, and fevers. Juice a piece of ginger root and dilute it slightly with water to get the full power of this potent superfood in a single shot, or add it to some tea with honey and lemon.


Though you should strive to eat a healthy diet at all times, filling your body with nutritious food is especially critical when you are battling sickness. Ditch processed sugar and grain and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Steam treatment

Place cinnamon, clove essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil and lemon in a bowl with boiling water. Place your head over the bowl and drape a towel over your head to trap in the steam. You’ll be amazed at how quickly this clears your sinuses and eliminates head congestion. 

If you don’t seem to be getting better after a few days, make an appointment with your doctor as you may have a more serious viral infection or other complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis.