Homemade Flea and Tick Remedies to Keep Fido Safe

Any pet owner knows the frustrations that fleas can cause for you and your dog. Not only are they incredibly irritating for your poor pet, but prolonged itching can lead to serious infections from open sores. Your dog may also experience an allergic reaction to flea saliva or even develop anemia from loss of blood.

If you suspect that your dog has fleas, it is crucial to take rapid action before they multiply and become even harder to get rid of. However, turning to chemical-laden solutions isn’t the best idea. Just as such harsh chemicals aren’t good for your body, they’re harmful to your dog as well. These homemade flea and tick remedies are totally natural and will help keep your four-legged best friend happy and healthy.

Natural Flea and Tick Repellant

As with most things, the easiest way to treat an issue is to practice appropriate prevention techniques. Diligently applying this repellant to your dog’s fur will help keep him from ever having a flea problem in the first place and save him from a lot of uncomfortable scratching.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • 10 drops lemongrass oil
  • 10 drops citronella oil
  • 3 drops cedarwood oil
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • Spray bottle

What to do:

  1. Boil 1 quart of water on the stove and pour over lemon slices in a large bowl. Cover and let sit overnight.
  2. Strain out lemon water through a sieve and add oils and vinegar.
  3. Use a funnel to transfer mixture to a large spray bottle and store in the fridge until ready to use.
  4. Shake well before applying.

Tips for using natural repellant

  • Spray all over your dog’s body, making sure not to forget the belly.
  • Spray on your palms and use your hands to carefully apply it to your dog’s face.
  • Apply before any hiking, lake days, or other adventures with your four-legged friend that take him out of your yard.
  • Apply once per week for normal activities.
  • Reapply if your dog goes swimming or gets wet. Be sure to wait until his fur dries completely.

DIY Tick and Flea Treatment

If you failed to apply the flea and tick repellent, or the irritating pests still managed to get onto your pet’s skin, it is important to deal with the infection as soon as possible. This natural treatment is a great way to eradicate fleas and ticks for good.

Step 1: ACV Solution

Make an apple cider vinegar solution with 1 cup ACV, 1-quart warm water, 2 oz aloe vera, and 1 oz Castille soap. For an added scent boost and enhanced flea repellent, add 3 drops of lavender essential oil to the mix.

Step 2: Treat your pet

Work outdoors to treat the infestation to avoid bringing fleas and ticks into your home. However, you can use your bathtub if it is too cold outside. Using rubber gloves, rub the solution into your dog’s fur, making sure to completely saturate every exposed area. Be careful around his face to avoid dripping any of the solution into his eyes. Let sit for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Use a flea comb

Before you rinse your dog, run over his wet fur with a flea comb. Work carefully through each section, brushing from the root to the tip. This step is especially crucial if your dog has long hair. After every pass through his fur, rinse the brush in a bowl of hot, soapy water to remove any fleas on the comb. Finally, rinse out the treatment with warm water.

Step 4: Don’t forget about ticks

Keep an eye out for any ticks and remove them with a pair of tweezers. Make sure you still have gloves on when you are performing tick checks. Grasp the body of the tick and pull it away from your dog. Do not twist or crush it as this could leave a piece of the tick in your pet’s skin. Disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol and place the tick in a plastic bag. You may have to take the tick into the vet for testing if your dog shows any signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or illness. Observe your dog carefully over the next few days and take him to the vet right away if you notice anything unusual.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

Fleas are notoriously difficult to eradicate. Repeat this process every few days for at least the next few weeks until you no longer see any of the minuscule bugs on your pet.

Other ways to protect your dog

Rose Geranium Oil

Place a few drops of rose geranium oil on the inside of your dog’s collar and the base of his tail. The odor will be released when he moves and will help deter any nasty critters from hitching a ride.

ACV water

Add a tablespoon of ACV vinegar to every quart of your dogs drinking water. This will help deter fleas since he will have a natural vinegar aroma around him that fleas hate. Don’t force your dog to drink it, however. If he turns his nose up at his laced water, a topical repellent works just as well. You can also try adding a small amount of vinegar and slowly upping the dosage as he gets used to the smell and taste.

Diatomaceous earth

Regularly treating your yard with anti-flea substances is the easiest way to prevent your pup from contracting fleas. Diatomaceous earth is a totally natural product made from fossilized remains of tiny organisms and it works by causing fleas to dry out and die. It is safe for your pets and incredibly effective, so sprinkle it anywhere in your yard that you believe fleas could be living. Focus on shady areas as fleas thrive in darker environments.

Vacuum Regularly

Fleas could be living in your hardwood floor, carpet, and tile without you even knowing. Vacuum regularly and empty the container right away. Pay special attention to the floor around your pet’s bed or crate. You can also add a few drops of flea repelling essential oil to a few cups of baking soda and sprinkle all around your carpet and on your dog’s bedding or any fabric furniture that he usually sleeps on. Wait 15 minutes and then vacuum. This will not only help kill fleas but will also pull odors from your carpet and keep your home smelling great.