10 Effective Ways to Manage Daily Stress and Anxiety

America is one of the most stressed-out countries in the world, with over 70% of the population experiencing chronic stress. Everything is go-go-go and the endless hustle and pressure of society to be the best can really take a toll on mental health and actually begin to affect your physical health as well. These simple tips will help you avoid succumbing to your stress and anxiety and will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Exercise daily

Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do for your mind and your body. Find something that you love such as jogging, walking, swimming, dancing, or rock climbing that will challenge you physically and help you get out of your head. You will be able to sleep better at night and will have more confidence in yourself and your body which can help reduce social anxiety and feelings of self-doubt. Plus, exercise releases endorphins that flood your system with natural chemicals that improve your mood, reduce pain, and combat stress hormones such as cortisol. 

Get rid of your triggers

Finding out what makes you stressed out and anxious and removing these things from your life is one of the best things you can do to protect your mental health and help you calm down and relax. Do you have a toxic friendship or romantic relationship that needs to end? Is social media causing you to compare your life to others in a negative way? Are you taking on too much work so that you don’t have any time to relax? Whatever it is, if possible cut it out of your life. Though it may be hard at first, over time, as you begin to experience a less stressed out life and find that your anxiety is greatly reduced, you will be glad that you did it. 

Guard your diet

You may have never connected your diet to your mental health, but it actually plays a massive role. What you eat is reflected in how you feel and how you respond to situations…and vice versa. If you eat a bag of potato chips and a bowl of ice cream for dinner, you may experience guilt and feelings of worthlessness that contribute to your stress and anxiety. If you are so busy, stressed and frazzled, you may not have time to eat so you grab a big mac on your way home from work before you have to take your kid to soccer practice. It is a vicious cycle that can only be stopped by adopting a mindful pattern of intentional self-control and healthy eating. Try prepping your meals ahead of time and focus on healthy snacks such as almonds and veggies.

Avoid procrastination

One of the best ways to avoid becoming stressed is to prioritize your tasks and knock them out instead of procrastinating. When you procrastinate, you only pile on everything you should be doing which can weigh you down and keep you from accomplishing your goals. A good trick to keep the little things from piling up is the five-minute rule. If something will take less than five minutes, such as making the bed or cleaning off your desk, do it right away instead of setting it aside for later. 

Cut the caffeine

Caffeine can exacerbate the effects of anxiety since it acts as a stimulant that can trigger panic attacks and lead to feelings of nervousness and irritability. If you are burning the candle at both ends and struggling to stay awake without copious amounts of coffee or energy drinks, it is time to take a long, hard look at your schedule and see what you can eliminate to make room for more sleep. Caffeine withdrawal can be incredibly difficult as well, however, so it is important to take it slowly and gradually wean yourself off. 

Write it out

Instead of bottling up your to-do list and all of your feelings inside, take up journaling to give yourself a way to release that negative energy. Either use it as a tool to vent and express your feelings of frustration or take it another way and write down everything you are grateful for. This can help train your brain towards a pattern of positivity and increase your feelings of wellbeing.

Spend time with friends and family

Though isolating yourself may seem like the best thing to do when you are stressed out and anxious, it is actually a pretty bad idea, as studies have shown that men and women with the fewest social connections experienced high rates of depression and anxiety. On the contrary, another study found that spending time with friends could release the hormone oxytocin, a natural stress reliever. 

Try deep breathing

Focus on your breathing for five minutes a day to help lower your blood pressure and heart rate and clear your mind. This is a simple trick that you can do anywhere any time you are feeling anxious or notice yourself becoming stressed.

Utilize aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is using scents from essential oils or other natural sources to help calm you down and decrease anxiety. Soothing scents include lavender, vanilla, chamomile, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, and more. Use a diffuser to spread the scents through your home or simply take a whiff of the oils if you need a quick stress reliever. 

Stress and anxiety do not have to rule your life. Take back your health and your mind today and you’ll soon feel like a different person, calm, and free from the weight of expectations and worry.