Itchy skin that’s irritating and uncontrollable could stem from a number of wide-ranging conditions. But that doesn’t stop you from scratching endlessly — sometimes until you bleed. Whether you have dry skin or ringworm, you need an itchy skin remedy now! Here’s eight reasons why your skin itches and how you can end that itch fast!

  1. Dry skin: Let’s start with the most obvious — dry skin. Dry skin often produces an uncontrollable urge to itch. It may also produce scaling and cracking. And it happens for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you’re prone to dry skin or your skin has ut oil can also help exfoliate dead skin cells, making your skin feel smoother.
  2. Hives: Hives, also known as urticaria, are welts on the skin and can be incredibly itchy. Plus, they can appear on any part of the skin. They usually vary in size from small to large, and often connect to form even larger welts. So what causes hives? Well, according to the American Dermatology Association. hives may be caused by an allergic reaction, insect bites, sunlight medications or chemicals in certain foods. In fact, the most common foods that produce hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries and milk.

Helpful tips to manage your hives and reduce itching

  • Apply a cool wet cloth to the affected areas.
  • Try to stay as cool and comfortable as you can by working or even sleeping in a cool environment.
  • Wear loose-fitting and lightweight clothes that don’t rub against the hives.

While a hive often goes away within 24 hours, new hives can appear as old one’s fade. So, hives may last for a few days or a few weeks — sometimes longer. If hives last more than six weeks, they’re called chronic hives. And deeper hives that appear under the skin may even cause the eyelids and lips to swell. If this happens, you need to go to emergency right away.

  1. Allergic eczema: Allergic eczema, also known as contact dermatitis, is an itchy skin rash that develops when you come into contact with an allergen. But the condition usually develops hours after you’ve been exposed to the substance that triggered the allergic reaction. Some common triggers for allergic eczema, according to Healthline, include:
  • Nickel, often found in jewelry, belts and buttons.
  • Perfumes, and scents found in cosmetics and soaps.
  • Clothing and hair dyes.
  • Latex and adhesives.
  • Detergents and cleaning products.
  • Poison ivy and other plants.
  • Antibiotic creams and ointments.

Here is a three-ingredient, itchy skin remedy that not only helps alleviate the itch of allergic eczema but other itchy skin conditions as well. It includes:

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is a natural skin emollient and moisturizer, and contains a compound (linoleic acid) that prevents water from evaporating according to WebMD.
  2. Baking Soda, which increases the pH of skin, soothing itchiness.
  3. Colloidal oats, which helps alleviate dryness by leaving a protective layer on the skin. It also cleanses and moisturizes, helping to maintain the skin’s natural barrier function. Additionally, the naturally occurring antioxidants in oats have also been found to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.

Colloidal oat bath for itchy skin


  • 1/2 cup finely ground oats
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup baking soda


  1. Grind oats super-fine.
  2. Add all ingredients to warm bath water and mix well to distribute.
  3. Soak in the bath for 20 minutes. No need to rinse of after your bath, just pat dry.
  1. Ringworm: Ringworm is highly contagious skin condition that is contracted through direct skin-to-skin contact. It causes a distinguished itchy rash that develops on the scalp and skin. On the scalp, the rash may cause bald, scaly patches. But, on the rest of the body, it usually appears as a circular ring of inflammation that can blister and ooze. The symptoms of ringworm may vary, but some of the most common signs and symptoms of a ringworm include scaly, itchy and/or raised skin patches.

How to deal with ringworm itch: Over-the-counter ringworm treatment is usually the first line of treatment for ringworm. Treatments may include clotrimazole and terbinafine. For ringworm of the scalp, your doctor would also likely recommend a medicated shampoo. But for a more-natural approach you may want to try colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver has potent anti-fungal properties according to a French study. To use colloidal silver for ringworm, clean the ringworm area well with soap and water. Then, simply spray on some colloidal silver and allow it to dry. Repeat two to three times per day until the infection disappears completely.

Another option is apple cider vinegar. ACV is an effective natural remedy for ringworm. According to research from Brazil, ACV has potent anti-fungal properties shown to kill a type of fungus called Candida spp. To use ACV for ringworm, saturate a cotton ball. Then gently dab the ringworm area two to three times a day until the infection disappears. If you have sensitive skin then start with a small amount of ACV.

  1. Athletes foot: If your feet are itchy and burning then you may have athlete’s foot. And you wouldn’t be alone since athlete’s foot affects up to 25 percent of the population according to a study from the University of Edinburgh. In fact, it’s one of the most common types of fungal infections seen in humans. Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a contagious and may spread to the toenails and the hands. But while athlete’s foot isn’t that serious of a condition, it can sometimes be hard to cure.

Meanwhile, certain factors increase your risk of getting athlete’s foot such as going barefoot in public places like locker rooms, showers and swimming pools. And, sharing shoes or even towels with an infected person. Additionally, wearing tight-fitting, closed-toe shoes or keeping your feet sweaty and wet for long periods may increase your risk of developing athletes foot. And, of course, there are many possible symptoms of athlete’s foot, the most common being itching and burning between the toes and the soles of the feet.

Natural remedies for itchy feet and toes: Beyond washing, drying and protecting your feet in public showers, gyms etc. you can treat athlete’s foot naturally with essential oils, for instance:

  • Oregano essential oil can be just as powerful as reducing infections as antifungal treatments, or even antibiotics. Research suggests that oregano oil is a powerful alternative antibacterial remedy that enhances healing in bacterial infections and effectively prevents antibiotic-resistant strains. In fact, therapeutic grade oregano oil contains up to 71 percent of the antiseptic compounds known as phenols. These include thymol and carvacrol, which are the two main active ingredients in killing fungus on contact. Carvacrol is especially useful for controlling the growth of harmful microbes in the body.
  • Tea tree oil contains a powerful compound called melaleuca. Research from The University of Australia suggests that tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Use both oregano and tea tree oil on your toes daily. Mix three drops of oregano oil and two drops of tea tree oil together with a small amount of coconut oil. Apply directly on the toes, three to four time daily to prevent athlete’s foot itch.

  1. Mosquito bites: Anyone bitten by a mosquito first notices a telltale red bump. But the itching itself isn’t caused by the bite itself, but rather by a reaction of the body’s immune system to proteins in the mosquito’s saliva. And interestingly, these pests tend to prefer certain victims over others. For instance, a man, who is overweight or obese and has type O blood may be the first to be bitten. Symptoms include a large area of itching and sometimes lesions.

How to stop mosquito itch: Once again colloidal oatmeal is the remedy of choice for itchy bug bites. Create an oatmeal paste by grinding (fine) a half cup of oatmeal. Add oatmeal and a half cup of water to a bowl and mix well to form a paste. Add paste to the bug bite and allow to sit for 10 minutes. Then wipe clean with a warm washcloth. Aloe Vera is another excellent remedy for bug bite itches. Aloe Vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties that help heal minor wounds and calm infections. Cut open a small section of the plant and apply the gel to the bite. Allow to dry, and repeat as needed.

  1. Flea bites: Fleas are external parasites that feed off of the blood of birds and mammals. They don’t have wings but they do have strong legs, allowing them to jump long distances — from one person or animal to another. If your pet has fleas, then your home may soon become infected. And that means bites, usually around the lower legs and feet. They normally hide in upholstery and carpets, camping out until a large infestation has occurred. If you have an allergic reaction to flea bites then you’ll likely experience intense itching. But try not itch because flea bites can can cause a secondary infection according to MedicineNet.

Relieve the itch of flea bitesTo relieve the itch of flea bites, dilute one-part white vinegar with one-part water. Soak a cotton ball and apply to bite for a temporary relief.

  1. Ragweed allergy: Ragweed allergy also commonly referred to as “hay fever,” develops from soft-stemmed weeds that grow all over the U.S. Depending on where you live, ragweed can begin spreading its pollen as early as the last week of July and continue into the middle of October. And pollen can travel hundreds of miles, even surviving through mild winters. Ragweed allergy affects up to 20 percent of the population in America, and is one of the most common seasonal allergies.

Symptoms can vary throughout the year, depending on where you live and the climate. But, the most common ragweed allergy symptoms include itchy, watery eyes. It’s interesting to note that almost one third of people living with a ragweed allergy also experience an allergic response to certain other foods, including cucumbers, melons, zucchini, sunflower seeds, bananas and chamomile tea according to WebMD. In fact, even echinacea can trigger a reaction.

So, what’s the best tea to fight the itchy symptoms of ragweed allergy — turmeric tea!


Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a natural painkiller, which can help alleviate ragweed allergy symptoms including itchy eyes, without having to reach for over-the-counter or prescription meds.


  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed butter
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon powdered or grated turmeric
  • Pinch of ground black pepper


  1. Add coconut milk and water into the saucepan. Warm for two minutes.
  2. Add in butter, raw honey, turmeric powder and pepper for two additional minutes.
  3. Stir and pour into a cup.

There you have it eight reasons why your skin may be itchy and how to remedy it. Remember when applying treatments to your skin, avoid scratching if you can to reduce your risk of developing a skin infection. To help prevent itching, The American Academy of Dermatologists also recommends bathing in lukewarm water (not hot). And limiting your bath time or showers to 10 minutes.