Best Herbal Teas for Healthy Immune System

In the midst of cold and flu season, it is natural to want to do everything you can to protect your body from infection and help boost your hardworking immune system. One of the easiest ways to do that without loading up on potentially harmful supplements or over-the-counter drugs is by enjoying a few cups of hot herbal tea each day. Here are our favorite brews that support a healthy immune system and help you breeze through cold and flu season without a sniffle. 

Passionflower tea

Passionflower tea has been used for centuries to help relieve anxiety and reduce insomnia. However, it is only recently that science has become available to back up these claims. Promising studies have shown that drinking passionflower tea before bed can improve sleep quality scores and it has even proven more effective than certain anti-anxiety medications for reducing anxiety and promoting a state of mental calmness. 

These effects are likely due to passionflowers’ ability to boost the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain, which lowers and quiets brain activity, to help you relax and sleep better. A good night’s rest is critical for a healthy, functioning immune system and numerous studies have linked proper sleep to stronger immune function.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is another herbal tea that is prized for its sleep-promoting benefits. However, when it comes to boosting the immune system, this rockstar tea certainly delivers. It is loaded with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and liver-protecting effects which can help keep germs at bay and prevent infection. As if that weren’t impressive enough, may also help relieve premenstrual symptoms such as cramping and headaches, and reduce blood sugar and insulin levels.

Green tea

Ah, green tea, the star of the tea world. For a good reason, too! This incredibly healthful beverage is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols. These antioxidants are incredibly adept at protecting the body against foreign invaders and boosting the immune system to help resist viruses and infection. It is known for its ability to increase the growth of white blood cells in the body, which are the primary cells responsible for fighting off infection. Antioxidants may also help ward off cancer-causing free radicals in the body by stabilizing the molecules and detoxifying your system.

Green tea is also high in l-theanine which has been studied extensively in regard to its immune-supportive abilities. According to one study performed on human test subjects, immune system blood cells from tea drinkers responded five times faster to germs than did the blood cells of coffee drinkers. These results show that tea could act as a disease fighter and have prompted scientists to attempt to isolate the l-theanine in tea to form a drug to help support immunity and prevent illness. For now, drinking a few cups of green tea each day could help keep the doctor far away. Keep in mind, green tea does contain caffeine so it is best to stop drinking it at around 3 pm and avoid consuming it if you have a sensitivity to caffeine. 

Peppermint tea

Another tea with hidden benefits, peppermint is primarily enjoyed for its potent digestive capabilities is often taken as a method for reducing nausea and soothing an upset stomach. If you are taking it to limit the symptoms of a stomach bug, you may be in luck, as it has been shown to possess antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral properties that could reduce the duration of your sickness and relieve cramping, stomach pain, and indigestion.

Ginger tea

Like peppermint, ginger is often turned to as a remedy for nausea and other stomach ailments. Which makes sense as it has long been prized for its digestive-soothing effects. However, this spicy drink can also fight inflammation and stimulate the immune system, meaning you’ll get better faster if you do get sick and you won’t get sick as much, to begin with, if you drink this tea regularly. It can kill cold viruses and has even been said to combat chills and fever, it also contains tons of critical vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium that may be lacking in your daily diet. Enjoy it with a little honey to help take a bit of the edge off.

Echinacea tea

Along with green tea, echinacea is one of the primarily immune-boosting teas available. Unlike green tea, echinacea is an herbal tea, meaning it doesn’t contain caffeine and comes from an herb rather than the Camila senseis plant that produces green, black, and oolong teas. It has remained a steadfast folk remedy through the years and has been the focus of many studies that have only increased its remarkable reputation. Echinacea is beneficial not only for boosting the immune system and keeping colds at bay but also for reducing the duration of the common cold and lessening the severity of the symptoms associated with it. If you feel a cold coming on and begin experiencing a sore throat or stuffy nose, start drinking a few mugs of hot echinacea tea each day and any of the worse symptoms may pass you by. 

What teas do you love for their immune-boosting benefits? Let us know in the comments below.