Do These 12 Things Daily to Increase Happiness

Happiness isn’t something that happens to you. It is something that you can create in yourself when you prioritize your mental well-being and take time to assess your thinking. Do these 12 easy things every day to increase your happiness and develop a new outlook on life. 

Compliment someone

Taking a moment to focus on someone other than yourself is a wonderful way to make your (and someone else’s) day. A compliment doesn’t cost you anything and shooting a simple text to your friend to tell them how awesome they are could be a great way to train your brain to notice the good things around you and improve your positivity. 

Embark on a healthy lifestyle

Though it may seem difficult at first, deciding to improve your health and prioritize your physical well-being goes a long way towards improving your mental state and increasing happiness. Stick to a regular sleep schedule, don’t overindulge in junk food or alcohol, drink lots of water, and exercise every day. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel after just a few days of pursuing a healthy lifestyle. 

Practice mindfulness

Research has proven time and time again that reliving past memories or dreaming about what you don’t have could contribute to feelings of sadness and loneliness. Focus on the moment at hand, live fully in each second, and mindfully engage in whatever you are doing. Remember to breathe deeply, cherish your current relationships, and banish negative thinking. 

Jump on the productivity train

There is a careful balance between staying busy and keeping your mind sharp and finding worth in your productivity and overworking yourself. It is clear that people who set goals and get stuff done are happier than those who waste time on fruitless efforts. Don’t be afraid to relax, but make sure that you are actively involved in your life, not just a bystander. Make goals, pursue them, and find ways to achieve your dreams. 

Smile often

Smiling and laughing release endorphins into your body that leave you feeling joyful. Plus, smiling activates neural brain circuits associated with well-being and happiness. Spread your inner happiness with those around you and greet each person with a smile. You will usually receive a smile in return, which will boost your mood even further. 

Find joy in the small things

It is possible to find joy in any day if you are willing to look. Your coffee tasted perfect this morning, the song you were listening to in the car finished just as you were pulling into the driveway, you had a great hair day. Any of these things are moments that have the potential to bring joy. Rather than being caught up in the big problems, look at the little things that contribute to your happiness and allow yourself to revel in these seemingly insignificant moments. 


According to science, being surrounded by chaos, clutter and dirt contributes to feelings of failure and increases stress and anxiety. It can also leave you feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. Take a few moments every day to tackle a small area in your home. Throw away things you don’t need, donate whatever you can to local thrift stores, and clear out those cluttery areas. You will find that this contributes to a healthier mindset and an improved attitude. 

Spend time in nature

Even if you live in the heart of the city, set aside time each day to find a piece of nature to appreciate. Whether it’s a leaf, a tree, or a weed growing through the crack in the sidewalk, it is important to see and be thankful for the beauty of the natural world. Take a walk in a park or in the woods to help elevate your mood and look after your body. 

Focus on learning

We never stop learning. Each day is a new adventure and a new lesson, and each moment is another chance to enrich your mind. Learn an instrument or a language, take a class for something you are interested in, read a book, seek knowledge, and push yourself beyond your current skill-set. You will find that you are happier and more fulfilled as you travel outside your comfort zone. 

Make social connections

Humans are social creatures. We need each other for support, encouragement, and inspiration. Extensive research has documented the need for social connection and healthy, thriving relationships, so prioritize friendship and lean on your loved ones when times are hard.


Yes, social connections are important, but when those social connections take place on the internet, they can often turn harmful. If you find yourself comparing your life to those of your friends or celebrities you follow on social media, it may be time to take a step away from the constant chiming of notifications and unplug for a few hours. Set at least 30 minutes aside every day to take a break from electronics and clear your mind. You’ll be happier, and the mental quiet may even spark a new, creative thought.

Wake up earlier

While it’s true that not everyone is a morning person, you will notice a marked difference in your day when you set your alarm 15-20 minutes earlier. Instead of being jolted from sleep and thrust into the frantic routine of leaving the house on time, you will be able to enjoy a more leisurely morning that will help put you in a positive mood for the rest of the day.